Family & Couples Therapy
"There are no individuals in the world, only fragments of famillies." - Carl Whitaker
Chances are, if you're seeking family therapy, things have felt difficult for awhile. When people join forces and create a family they bring their own collective experiences and histories together in the hopes of creating a new functional unit. Most of us don't realize until it's too late, that our unresolved sh*t impacts our parenting and our children significantly.
Family therapy usually involves discovering, understanding and healing attachment wounds. Whether your family is made up of just two people or 10 people -- healing happens individually and together. We focus on figuring out why your family functions the way that it does, what needs to change and how.
Whatever your family looks like...
2 Moms. 3 Dads. Single non-binary parent. Grandparent. Together. Divorced. Conventional. Unconventional. Bring it.
"There is no such thing as a perfect parent, so just be a real one." - Sue Atkins
Why is parenting so complicated?
Long story short, society hasn't done a great job at preparing us or supporting us in parenting. Most of us are carrying around a lot of "stuff" from the past that leaks into how we show up for our kids. We start out with the best of intentions and at some point along the way, we realize we're struggling and have no idea how to get on a good path.
Whether you're an expecting parent panicking at the idea of raising an entire human being or have been parenting for many years, I know how challenging it is. And it's not you. It's not your kid. It's lack of support. It's being unsure of what behaviors are normal. It's not knowing the power of peaceful parenting, much less how to go about being a peaceful parent. ​
You might feel solid as a parent, but you and the other human you parent with aren't on the same page with how to handle kid stuff -- that happens in partnerships and co-parenting situations and I know first-hand how challenging that can be. ​
I come from an attachment/peaceful parenting perspective. A lot of people misunderstand peaceful parenting and confuse it with permissive parenting. Coming from an attachment-theory and focusing on your connection with your kiddos (even after you've lost your sh*t on them) doesn't mean you won't have any boundaries -- it means you'll have better boundaries. We'll focus on connection, repair and collaboration. I want to help you figure out how to parent with intention.
I work with conventional and unconventional parenting scenarios. Whether you're flying solo, in a duo, a polycule or something in between - it's all good.
"I saw that you were perfect, and so I loved you. Then I saw that you were not perfect and I loved you even more."
—Angelita Lim
Instead of going into a long spiel about relationships... I'll keep it simple. They are complicated.
I help couples unravel clusterfuck ball of yarn that they've created over the years.
I help couples return to themselves inside so that they can return to one another on the outside.
I work with parents on parenting issues, how parenting impacts relationships, etc. and I work with child-free couples on relational issues.