Hi, I'm Jen.
Millenial Therapist.
I help people get unstuck and become more present in their lives by understanding their inner world and their outer relationships. Through this work you'll be guided in learning to manage anxiety, depression, burn-out, relationship stress and more.
As an experienced psychotherapist, I spend most of my time helping folks explore their attachment wounds, relational difficulties, emotional discomfort and just feeling lost in life.
In-person appointments located in Anchorage, Alaska; telehealth appointments provided statewide.
We don't seek out therapy when life is smooth - we do it when we're overwhelmed, exhausted, and feel like we have nothing left to give. If your emotions feel like a battle, if negative self-talk won't quiet down, if the weight of it all is just too much - I get it. I've been there. It feels impossible to figure out alone.
"I hate this sh*t."
"I will never feel better"
"What is wrong with me?"
"I am not good enough."
These thoughts creep in everywhere -- at work or school, in the shower, when we're trying to fall asleep - we've been told that we're too much or too little. Too anxious, too emotional, too quiet, too loud. We tell ourselves we should be fine. But we're not. We're disconnected, hurt and caught in cycles we don't know how to break.
We push off change because familiar feels safe.
Maybe you hold an identity that you've been told isn't real and is disordered.
Maybe you're parenting in ways you swore you never would.
Maybe your relationship isn't right but you can't get yourself to leave.
Whatever the reason -- you're here. And chances are if you have found your way to me -- whatever you've got going on is my jam. ​